Fortnite rox spray in an underpass
Fortnite rox spray in an underpass

fortnite rox spray in an underpass

Head to the top of Stunt Mountain which is marked on the map above to find the Fortbyte. Go to the destroyed mansion below Lonely Lodge and wear the Stratus outfit to activate the Fortbyte. Go to the waterfall and spray the Sunbird on the ground to actiavte the Fortbyte.

fortnite rox spray in an underpass

Go to Happy Hamlet and do the Sign Spinner emote within the Happy Oink resturant to activate the Fortbyte. Go to the Pizza Pit in the Mega Mall and use the Durr! emoji emote. Use the Sad Trombone emote and the Fortbyte will activate. Go to Snobby Shores and look for the turned over tow truck. Players will need to reach top 10 in squads, solos or duos 25 times The Fortbyte will be inside a building by a window past the church. Go to Haunted Hills area above Snobby Shores and west of Pleasant Park. You and a friend must dance on each pad to activate the disco ball mechanic and from there the Fortbyte will become available. Go to the lair inside the mountain that’s above Snobby Shore. Go to the Peely’s Bana Stand in Neo Tilted and use the CLuck Strut emote as you walk across the crosswalk to activate the Fortbyte. The Fortbyte will only be accessible at night You need to head inside and in the rooms there will be a Fortbyte but there is a catch. Go the ruins that look like a castle near Haunted Hills. Go the the sasquatch cave to find Fortbyte #49. Got the mountain throne and use the Vox Pickaxe to destroy the gnome. We marked on the map where you can find it, but it’s essentially on an intersecting dirt pathway in the open. This particular Fortbyte is hidden away in the forest area near Lazy Lagoon. In order to pick up the Fortbyte you’ll need to be wearing the Nana cape. Go to Neo Tilted and head inside the Peely’s Place. On the first floor you’ll find the Fortbyte but you’ll need to use the Tomatohead emote to claim it.

fortnite rox spray in an underpass

Head to Neo Tilted and go into the DurrBurger joint. Must complete a total of 6 challenges in Week 2


However, it can only be picked up using the Sentinel skin This Fortbyte is located on a small island marked above. Players will need to gain a total of 225,000 XP You’ll find the Fortbyte resting by the edge but in order to pick it up you’ll need to equip the Kyo pet back bling. It will be near Junk Junction and you’ll actually see a small dirt path leading you to the edge. Go the further point in the north located on the map. If you head down the path and walk up to the sign on the railing you’ll find the Fortbyte. Go to the bridge that looks over the meteor crash. This Fortbyte is between two mountain ridges near Haunted Hills. Sporting the Bunker Jonesy outfit, head to the icy island marked on the map and go into the shack to find the Fortbyte. Unlocked at Battle Pass Tier 40 Fortbyte #26 Head to the ranch homestead and the Fortbyte will be by a desk and a drawing table on the second floor.

Fortnite rox spray in an underpass